Group Therapy

About the Group

Group Therapy for Men Sexually Abused as Boys

Group therapy for men recovering from childhood sexual abuse is a critical piece of the recovery process. When men come together in a safe, supportive environment to help one another something unique and powerful occurs. Without exception members who complete the group report significant change in their daily functioning.

This group has been in existence since 1992. It is an ongoing group with members defining goals and determining their own completion dates. Membership usually consists of 4-7 members. A screening interview is required. Members are asked to make a 12 week commitment.  Individual therapy prior to the group is desired, as is maintaining a relationship with a therapist.

How the Group Works

Because men are socialized differently than women, the impact of sexual abuse differs in subtle and not so subtle ways. Identification of oneself as a victim is often difficult for men, and the way men describe and the language they use to talk about the abuse experience is often gender specific.

In this all male therapy group, the abuse issues that are male specific and the issues that affect anyone who has been abused are addressed. As members share past and current life events the interactions of the group are used to move through the process of recovery. Same sex/heterosexual abuse, sexuality, safety, limit-setting, developing boundaries, intimate relationships, sexual functioning, sexual compulsivity, “why didn’t I stop the abuse?”, to confront or not to confront the perpetrator, interpersonal communication and fears of perpetrating are some of the issues that can become areas of focus. Group members learn to compartmentalize and put the abuse experience where it belongs, develop a better sense of self, a clearer understanding of their life experience, and the ability to cope in healthier ways with present day concerns.

Location, Times and Fees:

Group meets: Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:15 pm
Jeff Munson’s office, 277 Alexander St. Suite 302, Rochester, NY 14607
$40. Per group session, sliding fee available, some insurances
Prescreening session:

Required Conditions:

Agreement to confidentiality
If there are alcohol or substance abuse issues- three months of sobriety required
No psychiatric hospitalization in past year
No history of sexual offense patterns
Comfortable with straight and gay members.



If you’ve been sexually abused, like me, this place is for you. The work is hard and sometimes it feels endless, but it’s
worth every moment of the investment.

I hold each moment I spent with this courageous group of men as sacred. My time with them and Jeff Munson was transformative. My life has been enriched by this group. It literally saved my life.

Because of Jeff Munson and my fellow group members, I can now proudly say that I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse instead of its victim.

I can’t thank each of them enough.”
– M.B.

“Boy, it has been a while since I was in group.  I can say that after spending almost two years attending group it has helped me live a healthy productive life.  I no longer have nightmares, or think about my past abuse. Where it was a HUGE part of my life it is now a distant past.

I must say the abuse is a part of my life that is in context with everything else.  It does not define me, or own me. I understand it and accept it.

The group moved me from my isolated self experience to a “group experience”, which was an important part of my healing, and letting go. I was able to “let go” and contextualize all of what had happened to me. I finally did not feel alone in my feelings and experience.  Jeff was a gentle and at times firm leader that moved the group and all of us to places where we were safe and finally comfortable. WOW, more that a few words, Jeff, but what an awesome experience. I no longer think of my abuse and know it is not buried but healed.

I now have internal barometers that I never had, that help me slow down when I need to and talk about how I feel. Thanks.”
– M.W.